Free festive champagne
As a member of the GotthardMemberClub, you can enjoy a free Cüpli in the following establishments in Andermatt and Sedrun from December 24, 2024 to January 1, 2025:
Gurschen Restaurant and Rondodrom
Family Restaurant Matti
NätschenArena Restaurant
Mountain Inn Piz Calmot
Panorama Restaurant Schneehüenerstock
Milez Mountain Restaurant
Tegia las Palas
Tegia dil Nurser
Druni Ustria Valtgeva Restaurant
Free newyear champagne
In Disentis you will also receive a free Cüpli in the following establishments on January 1, 2025:
Parvis, Cuolm da Vi, Disentis
Nevada Bar, Disentis
Lai Alv, Disentis
Caischavedra, Disentis
This service can only be claimed if you present your annual subscription when ordering. The festive tipple includes 1 glass of Prosecco or a soft drink per guest.