Trekking 2-3 days on snowshoes
Route Information
Best Time of Year
Day 1: We start in Sedrun with our snowshoes packed and hike to the hamlet of Cavorgia, which is inhabited all year round. We now continue on a signposted snowshoe trail on a snow-covered road through a wildlife sanctuary; the gradient is moderate. In Stagias we get a glimpse of the neighboring valley, Val Medel, with the village of Curaglia, which lies at the foot of a mighty mountain range. We continue along the path to Alp Pazzola, the highest point of the tour. No tree or bush now blocks our view of Sedrun and Disentis. At the alpine huts we find a place protected from the wind for a long rest. We hike back on the same route to Stagias, but then we can go across the open field to Mutschnengia and make our own trail in the snow. Tired and satisfied, we reach the Hotel Cuntera, where we are warmly welcomed. (Reservation:
Day 2: We only wear the snowshoes for a short time until we reach the trail that takes us on the historic Lukmanier Pass route to Mompé Medel, a small Walser settlement with Bilck on Disentis. Concentration is required during the steep descent to Cuflons, right to the Rhine. When we arrive at the river, we are greeted only by the murmur of the water - it is an idyllic place. We approach the climb to Disentis slowly and as soon as we reach the winter hiking trail, we put off our snowshoes and it's not far to Disentis. We have booked an overnight stay at Disentis Monastery and are looking forward to this exceptional accommodation. Reservation:
Further accommodation options:
Day 3: We first hike again with our snowshoes packed up along local paths to Segnas. The trail begins at the upper end of the village and takes us to the picturesque Alp Prau Sura. But what awaits us is the climb up to the Bostg viewpoint, today's highlight. There is great joy when we reach the top, the view of the valley is fantastic again. The route down to Mompé Tujetsch is quite easy and flaky. If you want, you can take the train to Sedrun for the rest of the tour, but we pack our snowshoes and hike back to Sedrun on the winter hiking trail.
A wonderful winter expierience is over!