La Caura


Living with and from goats has a long tradition in the upper Surselva. The animals have provided income and food for many generations. At the same time, goat farming creates and maintains a diverse cultural landscape. In addition to the benefits for the landscape, farming with goats is also of great importance. Goat products are diverse: Alpine and mountain cheese, sausage and meat specialities as well as goat leather and skins are among the most important products derived from goats. The local initiative La Cauraœ has recognised this importance and is committed to ensuring that sustainable work with goats remains attractive for families. This is why they pay the producers fair prices and only use regional businesses / In summer, the supply of alpine goat cheese is guaranteed by the Puzzetta Alpine Corporation (the largest goat alp in Graubünden). The Cascharia Brei/Brigels also processes goat's milk outside of the alpine season and supplies the region with excellent products.

The various cheese and meat products can be ordered from La Cauraœ and are also available in selected small shops.

Products: Goat cheese, formaggini, soft cheese, Ziger, salsiz, dried goat meat, goat sausage, goat meat, skins and leather, processed (e.g. key rings, cases, purses, chairs)

Sale: Beno Pally butcher's shop, Curaglia, Prima village shop, Curaglia

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