Autumn Magic in Andermatt+Sedrun+Disentis

Experience the golden autumn up close with us

  • Andermatt+Sedrun+Disentis offers something for every taste and budget, even in autumn.

  • Enjoy a culinary hiking tour, the autumn offer on Schneehüenerstock, or the Oktoberfest market at Catrina.

  • Or try a game specialty from the region in one of our restaurants!

Autumn Events

Our restaurants with game specialties

Ride Along
Biking in Autumn

Make the most of the golden autumn days with unique bike tours in Andermatt+Sedrun+Disentis on over 200 km of trails. Valid from 30.08. to 20.10.2024. 3 nights for 2 people CHF 655.-

Book now!
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