Golf Course

Diversity of species


The area around the golf course is a sensitive habitat for unusual plant and animal species. For that reason, special attention was paid to the conservation of biodiversity when the course was built. As a result, a variety of animals and plants can be found on the golf course, including some that are quite rare. The Swiss Ornithological Institute in Sempach conducts regular surveys, and it has been positively surprised by the results. In 2019 it counted 36 species breeding birds in a total of 155 territories on the golf course and the conservation area belonging to it. Because of the wide variety of birds, the area is popular with birdwatchers.

The whinchat is a ground breeder. Therefore, this species is safe only if the meadows are cut late in the season. It is on the Red List of vulnerable bird species.

Listen carefully, and you’ll hear the sound of the marsh warbler. It is a master of incorporating imitations of other birds into its song.

As its name suggests, the rosefinch has various shades of red in its plumage. It makes only a temporary stop in Switzerland on its flight south, moving on after two months to warmer climes.

If you hear chirping in the late evening or even at night, this is most certainly the song of a robin. It is very curious and not at all shy.


Since 2020 it has been known with certainty that the golf course and the “Bäz” conservation area are home not only to various bird species by also to a great variety of dragonflies. This was shown by the results of the count performed by Theiler Landschaft GmbH. A total of 12 different species were identified, which is unusual for a location as high as the Urseren Valley. One of the reasons for this are the ponds on the golf course, which are covered with pondweed. The documented species also include several that are endangered in Switzerland, like the black darter and the common damselfly. This can be deemed a small success. The efforts that were made to promote biodiversity before and during the construction of the golf course appear to have paid off.

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