Medelserhütte, 2 days
Route Information
Best Time of Year
We hike the first two kilometers on a road into the Val Plattas, from Pardatsch we follow the marked hiking trail that leads us to Alp Sura. The Rein da Plattas meanders through flat meadows and forms beautiful pools. The waters of the Medelser glacier rush down from the slopes and the snow, which unfortunately no longer lasts forever, beckons high above us.
After a final rocky climb we reach the Medelser hut in the Fuorcla da Lavaz. Before dinner we still have enough time to take a refreshing bath in the nearby mountain lake Lai Encarden. Fresh at the table, we let the hut team spoil us with a delicious dinner and enjoy the sunset in the modern dining room. Legendary!
The next day we descend again to Alp Sura and take the climb to the Fuorcla dalla Buora. After a final look back at the glacier, we descend steeply into the Val la Buora, a rough and little-known valley with a wide, stony stream bed. The landscape becomes gentler again at the Alp Puzzetta goat pasture. The modern red building is surprising and offers an unusual photo opportunity. From Platta, the post bus takes us back to Curaglia.