With stroller from Disentis to Sumvitg
Route Information
Best Time of Year
First, from the Disentis train station, we go downhill to the Rhine, to the bridge in Brulf. From then on, however, you have to push the stroller. The road, with little traffic, climbs steadily, partly through forest, then again across open pastures to the pretty hamlet of Cavardiras. We see the pilgrimage church of Sogn Antonius of Padua and admire the Casa Purila and other beautiful, original farmhouses. We are now at the highest point of the tour. After the houses of Pardomat we reach an alder forest after which Sumvitg is soon in sight. We find a nice place to rest or have a picnic just before the bridge over the Rhine, at the children's playground. And a small lake invites the children to splash around. So we enjoy the time until the departure time of the train. It takes us about 15-20 minutes to get to the train station.